This guide is intended to help you utilize your library's Gale resources to locate and examine a more diverse range of perspectives during your undergraduate research. In particular, this guide will review three categories of Gale databases which provide a pathway for the critical analysis of various perspectives on a number of subjects: Gale Literature, Gale In Context, and Gale OneFile.
This guide also provides research examples throughout and pulls in content from each source utilizing the following sample research topic questions:
- How does the experience of assimilation present in Asian American poetry and fiction?
- How has COVID-19 impacted recent increases in anti-Asian hate speech/crimes?
- How is PTSD different in Veteran's Mental Health treatment?
- Why does Social Media seem to disproportionately impact the mental health of young women and girls?
- What are some of the causes of the School to Prison Pipeline?
- Why does 21st Century Urban Planning still leads to segregation in US cities?
- How has the queer community and/or queer individuals been historically censored in Hollywood?