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Using Gale Import Files to Populate Your A-Z Database List

Instructions for using import files to populate your Gale resources on your Springshare A-to-Z list.

Downloading Files

Visit the A-Z Database list and select a linked file to download it. All files are configured to match the LibGuides A-Z Database list import file structure and file type (.csv).

Import files exist to support Gale Research Complete North America, but can be created to support bespoke institutional needs as well.

If you would like to request a custom import file for your institution, please reach out to the Gale Academic Outreach & Engagement team to submit your request.

Modifying Files

Each file contains information about Gale databases and can be imported as-is when adding new databases to your LibGuides site. However, if some databases included in the file already exist within your A-Z Database list, the file can be modified to act as an update to those databases. Additionally, if you don't subscribe to certain databases included in the file or want to make your own modifications to databases, including database descriptions, subject associations, or database links, edit the file before uploading.

You can use any spreadsheet editor to modify the file like Excel or Google Sheets. The resulting file must continue to be formatted as a comma separated value (.csv) file to be uploaded in LibGuides.

Removing Databases from the File

If a database should not be added or updated from the import file, simply delete the entire row of data from the CSV file.

Modifying Database Information

To update databases listed in the file, edit data cells using a spreadsheet tool. Specific instructions for each type of data or column in the file is included on row 2. This information includes character limits, instructions for dealing with multiple subjects or types, and how to toggle on or off specific functionality.

We recommend updating database URLs to match the custom URLs for your own Location ID. Simply replace the existing URL with a replacement URL bearing your Location ID; if you need help locating your institution's URLs, please feel free to contact Gale's Academic Outreach & Engagement team and we would be happy to supply them.

Marking Databases as Updates versus New Additions

The LibGuides A-Z Import template uses the column labeled content_id to control whether a database entry is treated as an update instead of a new database. If a content ID is not included for a database, it will be considered a new database being added to the list. If a content ID is provided, LibGuides will update the existing database matching that ID with the information provided in the data row.

If you plan to update databases, admin-level users can find existing content_ids by viewing the A-Z list, available via the Content dropdown menu in the command bar.