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The Lesbian Avengers and the Importance of Intersectionality in LGBTQ+ Activism

Exploring The Lesbian Avengers activism using Gale's Archives of Sexuality and Gender.

The Lesbian Avengers

Advert for the Lesbian Avengers

An advert for a dance party hosted by the Lesbian Avengers in the early 1990s describes the group thus: “THE LESBIAN AVENGERS is a direct-action group focused on issues vital to lesbian survivability and visibility”. Indeed, their campaigns were certainly geared towards visibility. In a 1995 article by New York-based freelance writer and editor Irene Elizabeth Stroud some of the group’s more fantastical campaigns were described: “The Avengers specialise in hit-and-run actions and high-performance street theater: they eat fire, serenade right-wing Christian women outside their homes, hand out chocolate kisses to people on the street. They’ve handed schoolchildren purple balloons that said “Ask about lesbian lives.” The Avengers are less-talk-more-action activists”.

Lesbian Avengers LogoTheir logo incorporates a bomb, indicating their militancy, and although they were mainly based in New York they did not shy away from travelling to take part in activism or from looking beyond the issues plaguing lesbians in New York. The Avengers called for a protest against the potential banning of Queer-Specific Anti-Discrimination Laws” in Colorado (p.130) and arranged a freedom ride to Maine to protest anti-queer legislation.

Freedom Ride Itinerary document, includin a doodle of the bus to Maine!

Archives of Sexuality and Gender

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